David Revels

David Revels

Senior Consultant, Caravel Solutions

David Revels is a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in Manufacturing Excellence, Maintenance, Construction, Safety, and Organizational Development. David’s impactful leadership within his nearly 25-year career with DuPont, demonstrated across multiple key positions, resulted in significant contributions to critical areas such as Plant startups, Capital Project Execution, Turnarounds, Cultural transformation, Reliability and Maintenance, and Operations Leadership. In his last role before coming to Caravel, he was Plant Manager of a large site startup where he set the strategic vision and established standard roles and work processes for all functions. David’s career underscores his versatility and ability to navigate and excel in complex manufacturing landscapes.

As a consultant, David extended his expertise to assess manufacturing and operational performance across various industries, including petrochemicals, polymers, fibers, textiles, specialty chemicals, and agriculture products. This consulting work highlights his ability to apply his knowledge and insights to benefit a range of organizations.

David believes helping clients understand their impact and the care and discipline with how they choose their actions is critical to deliver bottom line sustainable results to shareholders and customers. His career showcases a dynamic and accomplished professional with a broad skill set. His leadership philosophy and consulting experience further emphasizes his commitment to driving positive change and delivering sustainable results within the business world.