About the Mid-Market
The mid-market is where innovation meets scale. Mid-market companies are essential to global economic success. While there are good sources of information about CEOs of large companies and small businesses, there is relatively little information about mid-size companies and their CEOs. As a consequence, their issues and needs are underrepresented in policy and economic discussions. The mid-market needs a voice. CEO Connection is that voice.
Mid-Market by the Numbers
- The mid-market is defined as companies that generate between US$100 million and US$3 billion per year in revenue.
- There are nearly 20,000 US-based mid-market companies.
- Collectively mid-market companies:
- Account for the middle third of revenue generated by all US companies.
- Employ more than 30 million people.
- Generate approximately US$10 trillion of the US$30 trillion of annual gross receipts in the United States.
Source: Statistics of U.S. Businesses