Business Modernization Committee Call

Video Call

The CEO Connection Business Modernization Committee works to close the digital divide in the Mid-Market The mission of the Business Modernization Committee is to: Develop and create opportunities that enable mid-market companies to enhance their digital capabilities. Support the efforts of mid-market companies that are expanding their technology and artificial intelligence and/or going through business […]

Coronavirus Action Meeting

Video Call

A small, interactive, 60-minute video conference call. Here is the call agenda: – Confidential, Small Group, Video Meetings. CEOC will convene a series of small, interactive, 60-minute video conference calls for our Premium members. This format will enable close, confidential conversation and meaningful dialogue. We will consider scaling this program to additional CEO members as […]

Government Partnerships Committee Call

Video Call

The CEO Connection Government Partnerships Committee works to develop initiatives and strategies to increase access to government resources and programs for CEO Connection members. The mission of the Government Partnerships Committee is to: Identify and connect members to government programs and resources to provide new opportunities for mid-market companies. Create partnerships with government agencies to […]

Coronavirus Action Meeting

Video Call

A small, interactive, 60-minute video conference call. Here is the call agenda: – Confidential, Small Group, Video Meetings. CEOC will convene a series of small, interactive, 60-minute video conference calls for our Premium members. This format will enable close, confidential conversation and meaningful dialogue. We will consider scaling this program to additional CEO members as […]

Talent Management Committee Call

Video Call

The CEO Connection Talent Management Committee focuses on helping mid-market companies compete in the war for talent … and win. The mission of the Talent Management Committee is to: Identify and create opportunities for CEO Connection members and the mid-market at large around recruiting, onboarding, training and retaining talent. Develop and encourage programs that can […]