CEO Connection Impact Stories
CEO Connection provides value by giving its members access to the people, information and resources that they need to be even more successful. Here are just some of the examples of how CEO Connection has brought significant value to mid-market CEOs:
Career Opportunities
A member with global experience was interested in returning to his home continent. We introduced him to another member looking for an experienced leader to guide a recently acquired company in that continent.
A member in transition identified her “dream company”. Another CEO Connection member was able to connect her to a top executive at that company, giving her a direct line to top management.
Recruiting and Talent Acquisition
A member in the beverage industry hired an experienced C-Level legal executive as a result of a connection at his CEO Boot Camp avoiding a protracted search that would have cost six figures.
Global Acquisitions
A member had a specific issue regarding government relations for an acquisition in China so we connected him to the head of Heidrick’s China office (who connected him to a number of other resources in China) and a partner at Reed Smith who helped deal with some legal issue specific to China. We also connected him to a CEO who was having a similar experience to compare notes and solutions.
Facility Site Selection
A member was considering whether he should open a small plant in the US to assemble IT products like PC’s and servers. He was interested in information regarding choosing a location for a 100 people that would have good ground transportation for a specific mix of Northeast, South and West distribution, with a shipping port relatively near. He was also interested in the skill, tax and incentive elements. Through the CEO Connection network he was connected to the right partner at KPMG who had expertise is in site selection for companies and years of experience in this specific area. The member received expert insight and was also connected with other CEOs who had gone through the same exercise.
Best Practices and Family Business
A CEO Connection member who runs a $350 million dollar manufacturer wanted to meet CEOs of luxury goods companies whose boards are controlled by family members. Through the CEO Connection network he was connected to:
- Three CEO Connection members who had similar experiences,
- A CEO Connection Strategic Partner who was able to connect him to CEOs of larger luxury goods companies, and
- A CEO Connection member’s contact in the Wharton Alumni Community who was the CEO of a major luxury goods retailer.
Funding and Finance
A member, the CEO of a $600 million publicly traded company in the Oil & Gas Field Machinery industry), was looking to expand their investor base outside the USA. Specifically, he was looking for processes or support organizations that could guide them with a european investor road show. Through CEO Connection he was able to connect with the CEO of a member company listed on the London Stock Exchange, and a senior executive of a billion dollar international law firm. He was also connected with subject matter experts at two of our strategic partners, giving him access to a wealth of expertise.
Benchmarking and Outsourcing
A member (CEO of a printing company with five plants, 1400 employees, and approximately $260mm annual revenue) was in the process of streamlining his back office operations – specifically finance, IT, and purchasing. He was looking for benchmarking information regarding what level of staffing is considered best-in-class for manufacturing companies of similar size and other insights into the process. Through the CEO Connection network he was connected to three CEOs who had similar experiences.
We also connected him to an expert in outsourcing who had previously served as the Corporate Controller of a $500 million network communications company. While there, this expert had
- Established a shared services center, consolidating four locations into one in a matter of four months
- Instituted outsourcing programs for benefits, payroll, corporate travel, and freight payment/administration.
Media Coverage
A CEO Connection member was interviewed by Dierdre Bolton on Bloomberg Television’s “Money Moves”. The interview focused on the member’s company and its innovative business model. CEO Connection connected the member with Deirdre Bolton at the 2013 CEO Connection Mid-Market Convention and arranged with Bloomberg to interview the member as part of their convention coverage.
These are just a few examples of the value that mid-market CEOs get from their membership in CEO Connection.
To view more interviews and stories from our members, check out our YouTube Channel.