Top of the Mid-Market

The CEO Connection® Top of the Mid-Market is a key component in getting the mid-market the attention it warrants as a job creator, as a force for economic growth and as a driver of social impact.

The mid-market is the place where innovation meets scale, and that makes it a crucial driver for societal, cultural and governmental change. Mid-market companies (defined as companies with between $100 million and $3 billion in annual sales) are essential to global economic success yet there is relatively little information about mid-market companies and their CEOs. As a consequence, mid-market issues and needs are underrepresented in policy and economic discussions.

The mid-market needs a voice, and CEO Connection continues to be that voice.

Mid-Market 500: List of the top Mid-Market U.S. closely held and public corporations as ranked by the gross revenue of the prior year.
Most Influential Women of the Mid-Market: This list recognizes the women who are influencing change, innovation, and standards for excellence in the mid-market.
Top Private Equity Firms for the Mid-Market: This list recognizes Private Equity firms that are most effective for mid-market companies.

Mid-Market Awards®: These awards honor three mid-market leaders and one company that have demonstrated leadership, creativity, and generosity.